Part of working with commercial customers involves knowing and meeting all of the legal codes and requirements involved in each area of security. A couple weeks back, we looked at a specific topic with our Commercial Fire Alarm Primer. Most business owners have a rough idea of the types of requirements fire systems bring with them. However, many customers find themselves surprised to find that other areas of security require similar processes to ensure that we choose and install equipment correctly. Fire extinguisher installation and maintenance represents one of the most important and highly-regulated areas of security. Obviously, this aspect of security relates to fire safety, so this should make some sense. However, extinguisher regulations are much lesser known than those regarding fire alarms. In this post, we shed some light on this topic by showing you how we go about following commercial fire extinguisher requirements.
First, we’ll explain where we find these requirements. Knowing the codes and guidelines we follow will give you a good “base” for understanding the rest of this post. From there, we’ll move on to describe the different types of extinguishers that address specific fire threats within businesses. Since fires start in different ways based on what you do in your business, we need to install the right extinguishers for each threat. Then, we’ll go over the extinguisher maintenance process. Keeping up with this annual maintenance goes a long way towards keeping your business safe for employees. Now, let’s dive in and see how we go about finding and following fire extinguisher codes and regulations.
Understanding Where Commercial Fire Extinguisher Requirements Originate
Like fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers must meet strict installation and maintenance guidelines. The National Fire Alarm Protection Association (or “NFPA”) writes the code books governing these factors. In the case of extinguisher regulations, building owners and fire extinguisher professionals follow “NFPA 10.” This code book creates guidelines for both fire extinguisher installation and maintenance. The International Code Council (or “ICC”) also creates guidelines within their International Building Code (predictably shortened to “IBC”). Finally, OSHA guidelines for “Occupational Safety and Health Administration”) also come into play at times as well. In this section, we go over the basics behind these guidelines. This includes both an overview of what the code says, as well as how you can comply. Let’s begin with a look at the spacing and mounting guidelines for commercial extinguishers.
Spacing and Mounting Guidelines
Spacing guidelines for extinguishers largely depends upon the types of fire hazards present. For example, the IBC states that you should never be more than 75 feet away from a class A extinguisher or 50 feet from a class B extinguisher. Extinguishers with both “A” and “B” ratings automatically turn into the aforementioned ABC extinguishers, which follow the same OSHA-based spacing guidelines as classes A and B. Class D and K hazards have extinguisher requirements based on proximity to the hazard itself.

Class K extinguishers, such as this one made by Badger, can douse tricky kitchen fires that no other type of extinguisher could extinguish.
For example, we must mount class D extinguishers within 75 feet of combustible metals. While OSHA does not have a class K spacing requirement, NFPA guidelines recommend that we install them within 30 feet of any kitchen fire hazard. Additionally, extinguishers must also be mounted at certain heights based on their weight. Working with a security company, such as ourselves, to place your extinguishers can ensure that you get this important aspect of security addressed effectively. Now, let’s switch our focus from spacing and mounting guidelines to annual extinguisher inspection and maintenance requirements.
Installing the Right Extinguishers for the Job
As we mentioned earlier, fire extinguishers do not fall into the “one size fits all” category. A major part of meeting commercial fire extinguisher requirements lies in installing the right extinguishers for your application. In this section, we’ll review the categories of fires that businesses have. Of course, we’ll also go over how we provide extinguishers to fight these specific threats. Let’s get started by learning about the most common types of fire hazards.
Fighting the Most Common Types of Fires
Fire hazards have several different designations, and we have extinguishers for each. We identify these hazards through a letter-based system. For example, class A, B, and C fires represent the most common types of fires. Class A fires involves flammable solids. Wood, paper, cloth, and rubber catching fire would all constitute a fire of this class. For example, a campfire is a common example of a Class A fire. Lightning strikes and fallen candles provide example of inadvertent Class A fires.
The next class of fires get their fuel from flammable or combustible liquids. For example, oil, gasoline, paint, and propane could all start a Class B fire. Energized electrical fires make up the Class C fire designation. What do we mean by an “energized” electrical fire? We’re glad you asked! This means that the source of a fire must have an active source of electrical power. For example, a computer plugged into an outlet would create this type of fire if it catches flame. However, an unplugged computer would create a Class A fire if set ablaze. Old wiring and frayed cords may start a Class C fire. The most common type of extinguisher — appropriately dubbed an “ABC extinguisher” — fights all three of these threats. Many businesses have these extinguishers exclusively.
Creating Security Against Lesser-Known Fire Threats
However, we do have a couple additional important types of fires, as well as extinguishers that we install to fight them. One of the rarest types of fires, Class D fires involve the ignition of metals. Most Class D fires involve magnesium or titanium. However, aluminum and sodium are also to blame for some of these fires as well. Class D fires rarely take place in homes. Instead, industrial environments where employees carry out metal work make the most likely scene for these fires. Class D extinguishers use a dry powder to get the job done. This powder works only on class D fires involving metals.
Finally, Class K fires involve kitchen-related fire hazards. For example, class K extinguishers fight those fires started by grease, animal fat, or cooking oils. For this reason, you’ll most likely find them in restaurants. These extinguishers usually have a wet chemical in them designed specifically to fight the rapid pace with which Class K fires spread. In fact, the agent contained in Class K extinguishers turns the oil and fat that fuels Class K fires into soap or a foam. This transition is known as “saponification.” As you can see, fighting unique fires requires fire extinguisher classes with unique attributes!
Maintenance Requirements
Commercial fire extinguishers require an annual inspection that we can perform onsite or at our own office if customers bring their extinguishers in. We clean the extinguishers and make sure that their pressure gauge indicates the proper pressure for successful discharge. As long as the extinguisher passes inspection, we then “tag” it. This tag shows the month and year that we last inspected the extinguisher. NFPA 10 contains several reasons that extinguishers may fail this inspection. Extensive damage to extinguishers, for example, will cause them to fail. Using the wrong size or type of extinguisher for a given application will also lead to a failed inspection during on-site inspections.

Part of proper extinguisher maintenance involves annual check-ups and service.
Additionally, we perform more in-depth maintenance on most extinguishers every 6 years. During this maintenance, we must empty and recharge the extinguishers. Finally, we complete performance testing on most extinguisher types after 12 years. Failing to complete either extinguisher or fire alarm system maintenance can lead to legal troubles. These can include both fines and insurance-related issues as well.
We can travel out to your business to complete this inspection every year. In fact, we perform this service for hundreds of commercial properties every year. For smaller applications, we recommend that customers take their extinguishers to us. This saves them from paying for travel time to and from a location with very few extinguishers. No matter which option you choose, you can rest assured that your extinguishers will meet the grade upon completion!
Putting it All Together and Meeting Commercial Fire Extinguisher Requirements
We hope that this post helps you see how we can help you meet commercial fire extinguisher requirements. Additionally, we invite you to contact us with any questions that you may have after reviewing the information in this post. We will happily answer any and all of your security-related concerns. Moreover, we also encourage you to have us come out and look at your property if you have any questions about your own business’s fire extinguisher installation and maintenance requirements. We have an entire division of our company dedicated to doing just this sort of work. Furthermore, we provide free site surveys and equipment quotes to let you know exactly what it will take to get your extinguisher plan up to all local and national codes. Together, we can provide you the exact fire extinguisher coverage you need to provide as much security as possible!