If you’ve followed our blog at all, you know that security approaches change based on a variety of factors. We always aim to provide the right security experience for each and every customer in every application. One of the largest challenges of providing this security revolves around tackling seasonal challenges. Every season brings its own unique security threats that we must address. In this post, we share some daylight saving time security tips and best practices to help you navigate one of the trickiest times of the year from a security perspective.

First, we’ll break down why daylight saving time creates security obstacles in the first place. With this framework in place, we’ll then review some of the ways we address these security concerns. For starters, we’ll explain the importance of preparing for extended absences as we enter peak burglary season. Then, we’ll create an overview of some of the weather-related security devices we install. Finally, we’ll shift our focus to how this time of year can adversely affect your home’s exterior security measures. Now, let’s dive in with a look at what makes daylight saving time security unique!

What Makes Daylight Saving Time Security Unique?

When it comes to seasonal security obstacles, daylight saving time presents more than most. For starters, homes start being frequently absent during this time of year as travel plans ramp up. Moreover, as warm weather and longer days start rolling in, scouting homes to burglarize gets more and more tempting for burglars. This unique combination of security threats deserves some special attention during this time of year.

Speaking of warmer weather, we also begin our “spring thaw” right as the clocks jump ahead. This means weather conditions that can lead to damage to your home. Wet conditions can lead to flooding and HVAC equipment failure if not addressed. Furthermore, spring also brings the advent of stormy weather, which can provide its own issues! Therefore, we will spend some time disucssing how we address this concern in this post as well.

A person on vacation lounging on the beach

Creating a security plan for extended absences and vacations represents a proactive approach to daylight saving time security.

As another weather-related daylight saving time security issue, we must also assess any potential damage done to your door security over the course of the winter. Cold weather can warp and crack door and window frames. Combine that with the presence of heavy, wet snow, and you may also find your door and window locks in a world of hurt after the remnants of winter weather fade away. At this point, we’ve familiarized ourselves with the security threats brought on by daylight saving time. Now, time to see how we address these issues!

Take Security Measures to Secure Your Home in Your Absence

From the holidays in the winter to summer vacations, every season seems to have reasons for people to travel. However, the onset of spring brings an incredible amount of activities to keep you away from your home. The opportunity for vacations, beach weekends, and outdoor evening sports leaves plenty of excuses for you to leave your home empty. Additionally, as we mentioned, these longer and warmer days also attract thieves to take advantage of empty homes. The more “alone time” your house experiences, the greater the chance for a break-in. We recommend taking steps to secure your home during these periods.

For one, installing a home security system, if you have not done so already, greatly reduces this risk. These systems create a blaring siren response upon activation. This alerts anyone on site to the breach, and often scares criminals away as well. Furthermore, our central station response to an alarm event also ensures a police dispatch to youe home if necessary. This create important, multiple-layered daylight saving time security.

Additionally, we recommend installing security cameras to keep an eye on your home at all times. Adding a home surveillance system provides you with this ability. Installing camera allows you to watch live footage of your home and yard from a computer, smart phone, or tablet at any time, from any location. Additionally, these cameras record footage continuously. Therefore, if something does happen in your absence, you can review the footage to see what went wrong. Of course, the cameras themselves act as a deterrent to thieves as well. Scouting out a home and finding cameras encourages criminals to find a different target! In our next section, we take a look at how installing sensors to catch weather-related issues can help you improve your daylight saving time security.

Install Environmental Sensors

When it comes to threats that your home or business faces, Mother Nature presents quite a few ways to do damage. This rings especially true during this time of year, when we experience spring thaw-related flooding threats as well as rainy and stormy weather. Luckily, we have you covered! We surprise many people by offering sensors that create alerts for environmental disasters that have the potential to cause major damage. These sensors can help you detect and address these issues before they create a mess that takes a significant amount of time and money to repair.

A Wireless Honeywell Freeze/Flood Sensor

Some wireless sensors, such as this model by Honeywell, detect the presence of water as well as dangerously low temperatures.

For example, our “hi-lo” temperature detectors can create a central station response if your property experiences dangerously hot or cold conditions. This can help alert you to frozen pipes or HVAC equipment failures. Additionally, we offer flood sensors that can detect the presence of water wherever we install them. As an added bonus, some of our alarm manufacturers even create sensors that detect both extremely cold temperatures and the presence of water! These contacts provide a huge amount of environmental security in one compact piece of equipment. The effectiveness of these sensors makes them one of our top ways to add daylight saving time security. Next up, let’s examine why you should focus on your door security during this time of year.

Examine Door Closing and Locking Hardware

Winter weather has a negative effect on many appliances and parts of your home or business. Cold temperatures, snow, and ice often wreak havoc on cars, roofs, and any appliances kept outdoors. However, people often let their door hardware deteriorate season after season without updating it or calling for repairs. Every spring, we encourage customers to ensure that their locks and doors operate smoothly. If any locks look “worse for wear” after the winter, have a locksmith replace it with an updated lock that will better secure the door.

Weather-weakened door frames also make burglars’ jobs easier. Calling a door company to have the issue inspected and fixed can help ensure that your security does not get compromised. As we pointed out in our post explaining How Professional Locksmith Services Help Homeowners, calling professionals to do the job has multiple advantages. For one, you will know that the work will get done right. Parts will be installed properly and will work as effectively as possible. Additionally, professional locksmiths will install high-quality locks that will better stand the test of time compared to a lock bought over-the-counter at the local hardware store.

Putting it All Together

We hope that this post helps you increase your daylight saving time security this year. Additionally, we encourage you to contact us with any questions this post may raise for you. We will happily field any and all of your security-related inquiries. Moreover, we also invite you to take advantage of our free site survey program. We offer no-cost security audits and equipment quotes to both new and existing customers alike. While on site, we can address any security concerns you may have. Furthermore, we can also make our own suggestions based on observations we make during our visit. Together, we can help you make your home as safe and secure as possible, during daylight saving time and beyond!