When we work with customers to create security plans, we aim to help them “think like a criminal.” This allows us to design a plan that fits their needs as closely as possible. Unfortunately, every property has security trouble spots, due to several potential factors. In this post, we will share some of these spots, as well as the steps we take to boost securiy in these areas as much as possible.
First, we’ll look at how you can take your exterior “blind spots” and make them less attractive to criminals. Then, we’ll share how criminals size up a home or business for ease of entry. We’ll also focus on securing rooms that prove vulnerable due to their contents. Finally, we’ll see how certain areas of a property often go unsecured and, therefore, leave you vulnerable. Now, let’s start our discussion on security trouble spots with some thoughts on eliminating areas for criminals to go unnoticed while preparing for a potential break-in.
Easily Accessible Blind Spots
Before attempting a crime on just about any property, thieves usually “scout” out potential targets looking for a handful of things that act as an “invitation” to attempt their crime. Right near the top of this checklist lies the presence of hard-to-spot areas within a property. These areas allow burglars to scheme and then conduct their crimes out of the sight of passersby.
So, what do these blind spots entail? For starters, areas with poor or even nonexistent lighting make for great places for burglars to get closer to their target without detection. Furthermore, tall bushes and shrubbery outside of windows allow for some up-close snooping and waiting before gaining entry. Finally, wood fencing can turn any yard or property exterior into one large “blind spot!”

Overgrown shrubs around your home can provide a hiding place for criminals.
Fortunately, the nature of these issues makes their solutions quite simple to deduct. Installing exterior lighting that illuminates your entire property adds quite a bit of security. This often involves installing motion-based lighting for residential properties. Keeping your shrubs and plants well-groomed, and even planting thorn-bearing bushes and shrubs, can also help. Finally, consider chain-link or wrought-iron fencing over a wood fence if you wish to fence your property in. With these exterior security tips in mind, we turn our attention to security trouble spots that allow burglars to enter your home or business with minimal effort.
Simple-to-Conquer Entry Points
Of course, it doesn’t take much to see why criminals prioritize finding a place to “hide” within a property. Additionally, they also want to find a quick, inconspicuous, and simple way to actually enter a building or home as well. Unfortunately, a quick “once-over” can often reveal more than one of these security trouble spots. Many of our customers work hard to secure common entryways well. However, infrequently-used doors and windows in low-traffic areas often fall into disrepair without anyone noticing until an unwanted guest makes this security risk known.
For example, a home’s basement doors make common targets for criminals. These doors are often made of thin wood, and sometimes do not even have a deadbolt on them. Burglars can usually conquer a hatchway door fairly easily, and at that point can get through a basement door with no resistance. The same goes for exterior garage doors of homes or doors of large commercial properties that rarely get used.
Additionally, as we also pointed out earlier, windows can easily fall into disrepair status from a security standpoint if they do not get used often. Over time, weather damage can slowly take its toll on windows — especially older wooden windows — and their frames, making them easy to to breach. We recommend regular testing of the locking mechanisms on all of your entry points, as well as installing high-quality lock hardware even if you do not anticipate “using” it very often. As with many security-related items, the equipment you use the least is often needed the most! Now, let’s see how areas that house valuable items can turn into security trouble spots.
Rooms with Direct Exposure to Valuables
As you can see, burglars gravitate towards properties that allow them to break in as easily as possible, and under as much cover as possible. However, they also keep in mind exactly what they want to accomplish during their crime. For example, burglars breaking into homes look for valuable electronics and jewelry, as well as financial information and credit cards. Additionally, expensive items such as tools and high-end musical instruments and equipment also make great targets. On the commercial side, areas with cash registers or safes receive attention from thieves.
Burglars will often find themselves emboldened if they know the whereabouts of these items on your property. This knowledge can lead to a direct attack on rooms that store coveted items. Sometimes this takes the form of a break-in at the easiest entry point, followed by a quick trip to the desired spot. Other times, it leads to a bold attack on the doors or windows of the targeted areas. Either way, we recommend taking precautions to secure rooms with valuables.
For starters, installing security system contacts that set off an alarm prior to entering these areas can go a long way. Glass break detectors and interior door sensors for important doors can give you extra security when needed. We also recommend installing high-quality locks in areas deserving of extra security. While some people only install deadbolts on exterior doors, we also recommend their use for important interior rooms as well. Now, let’s discuss a few other points on properties that can very easily turn into security trouble spots.

Installing security cameras on your property can help you catch a crime before it even happens.
Low-Security Areas
In addition to areas that criminals can breach easily and rooms with coveted items, low-security areas of any property make for a tempting break-in point for criminals who suspect the presence of a burglar alarm at the scene of their potential crime. When we speak of “low-security areas,” we refer to places on a property where security measures often fall short. For example, many home and business owners design security systems with little to no second-floor security contacts. While first-floor entry always provides the easiest way to breach a property, the potential to break in to a second-story room and not set off an alarm often pushes thieves to attempt their crime using this method.
Furthermore, breaking into garages — especially detached garages — and not a business or home’s “main” areas can allow criminals access to expensive tools, machinery, and even vehicles without ever activating a security system response. For these reasons, we recommend installing at least minimal security on every floor and in every area of your property. Additionally, installing security cameras can also provide you with “eyes” on your entire property. These cameras can even send you live alerts upon detecting motion. This can help you catch a crime before it even happens while criminals are scoping out the “safest” place for them to attempt their crime!
Putting it All Together and Addressing Security Trouble Spots
We hope that this post helps you identify and address security trouble spots on your own property. Additionally, we also encourage you to contact us with any questions this post may raise for you. We will happily answer any and all of your security-related queries. Furthermore, we invite you to take advantage of our free site survey program. We offer complimentary security audits and equipment quotes to both new and existing customers alike. While on site, we can address any concerns you may have. Moreover, we can make our own suggestions based on observations we make during our visit.
Perhaps you have a solid security plan in place and want to make some adjustments based on what you’ve read here. Or, maybe this post has left you feeling vulnerable and unprepared for an attempted break-in on your property. Either way, we will work with you to address any issues or weak spots as effectively as we can. Together, we can create a complete security plan to keep you, your property — and everyone on it — as safe and secure as possible!