Smartphone-Based Security

Over the last decade or so, consumers have come to expect to control many of their electronics through the use of their smartphones. This trend has ranged from televisions to refrigerators and many products in between. As you can expect, our industry has gotten tugged into this trend as well. After all, our security solutions…

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Anticipating Threats to Your Alarm System

Last week, we reviewed some of the Unexpected Benefits to Alarm Monitoring. In that post, we share some of the unlikely ways that a monitored security system can provide you with added security and peace of mind. This week, we take a slightly different approach to anticipating the unexpected when it comes to your alarm.…

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Unexpected Benefits to Alarm Monitoring

A Rapid Response dispatcher wearing a headset

We’ve reviewed the benefits of a monitored burglar alarm in many posts on our site. These systems create a few valuable layers of security. First and foremost, a security breach gets greeted with a siren response to alert you to danger. In turn, this generally causes the perpetrator to flee the scene as well. Additionally,…

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Z-Wave Smart Devices

A picture showing many potential smart home products underneath text reading "smart home"

Over the last couple decades, smart home products have crept their way into a staggering number of homes. Homeowners can control a variety of devices around their homes with smartphone apps, allowing them to experience a significant level of connection and convenience. In addition to these features, many of them also offer unique security features!…

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Panic Button Security for Your Alarm

Last week, we created a post on Securing Against the Unexpected. There, we detailed how we can use an alarm to secure against events above and beyond the well-known burglary and life safety-based threats that often prompt customers to install a security system. These unexpected events include such issues as weather-related damage to your property…

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Securing Against the Unexpected

Over our 35 years in business, we’ve installed more than a thousand security systems for our customers. Over that course of time, we’ve worked hard to stay up to date with the latest and greatest security offerings that we can integrate with your alarm. In fact, we often surprise customers by providing security solutions above…

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Small Business Security Tips

Small businesses like our own make up a large percentage of our customers. Of course, you might not hear the names of these companies as often as their big-box counterparts. However, small companies hold a very important place within our overall economy as well as in the lives of those who work for them. As…

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Home Automation Through

In today’s technology-driven world, people appreciate the ability to connect as many things in their home as possible. Smart home products have added tremendous convenience to people’s everyday lives. The ability to control these devices through a centralized in-home product and/or smart home app has become the norm, and not the exception. Believe it or…

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Exterior Alarm Security Options

If you’ve kept up with our blog at all, you know that we rank installing a monitored burglar alarm right at the top of any security plan. We highly recommend that any home or business owner install a security system. Most people think of these systems as a way of catching burglars once they breach…

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Adding Pool Security to Your Property

If you’ve kept up with our blog at all, you probably have an idea of how hard we work to secure every part of your home from every possible security threat. This includes securing your home both inside and out. While not every company adequatley addresses exterior security, we find it an extremely important aspect…

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