Smart Security Ideas for Reducing False Alarms

One of the greatest fears that customers have about installing monitored security revolves around creating false alarms. In fact, the thought of having the police or fire department show up unnecessarily discourages many families from installing this valuable equipment at all! Of course, we strongly recommend taking simple steps towards reducing false alarms, rather than…

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Why Do Alarm Owners Cancel Service?

We’ve mentioned the importance of monitoring your security system in several of our blog posts. However, almost all of us know someone who has gotten frustrated and cancelled this service. In fact, the frequency with which this happens scares many potential customers away from installing an alarm at all! In this post, we share some…

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Stopping False Alarms for Good

In our Best Practices for Creating a Quick Alarm Response, we highlighted how cutting down on false alarms can help you experience a quicker police response to your security system. Certain houses in a neighborhood occasionally “cry wolf” too many times. This can lead to police departments responding to other calls before checking on what…

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