If you’ve read our blog posts in the past, you know that we find security solutions for all different types of situations. Security does not fit a “one-size-fits-all” mold. Instead, different types of applications have their own challenges and solutions. One of the greatest differences in approaches lies in the difference between residential and commercial security. Of course, as your one-stop security shop, we offer solutions for both. In this post, we share some unique commercial security features that apply when we secure businesses.
We will begin with a look at physical door security. Commercial door security provides above and beyond those offered by residential lock hardware. From there, we will examine some unique monitoring features that we use to monitor commercial locations. Then, we will focus on some camera options that make commercial surveillance so effective. Finally, we will also touch on commercial access control. These systems control and track access to your business to create unique commercial security. Now, let’s get started by looking at the types of locks we install for the businesses we secure.

High-Quality deadbolts, such as this model by Medeco, can withstand much greater abuse than lower-grade locks that burglars breach on a regular basis.
Top-Grade Door Hardware
Unlike their residential counterparts, commercial lock designs take security into much greater account than looks. While residential locks provide light security, commercial locks generally provide a much more reliable product. In fact, we can easily measure how much more security heavy-duty locks provide over their home-based counterparts. We can do so using a three-point grading system designed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA).
Lock manufacturers often seek out ANSI/BHMA certification for their product lines. Tests are administered to gauge factors such as bolt strength, security, the ability to withstand impact and force, and quality of finish, among others. Allegion, one of the biggest global providers of security products, provides this helpful guide to door hardware testing. The lowest-quality hardware receives a “Grade 3” designation, with the best scoring in at Grade 1. As you can probably guess, Grade 2 falls right in the middle. Grade 2 locks represent a step up from Grade 3, without having quite the quality of a Grade 1 lock.
Most residential locks fall under the “Grade 3” designation. Grade 2 locks create better home security than most, while we consider them “light” security for businesses. We always recommend installing Grade 1 locks to provide reliable commercial security. Grade 1 commercial locks, such as our preferred line by Medeco, create tremendous security against lock picking, drilling, and other blunt-force attacks. Businesses often sit empty for long periods of time, so we stress this tip quite a bit to commercial customers. Next, let’s look at some great commercial alarm monitoring options!
Commercial Alarm Monitoring Features for Added Security
Most of our alarm customers subscribe to our security monitoring service. Security system monitoring requires your alarm to communicate with our central station. In turn, this allows our central station to dispatch the proper authorities in the case of an emergency. Traditionally, alarm companies created this communication by connecting a customers’ phone lines to their alarm. However, recent technology has given way to more effective methods. In particular, our cellular dialer powered by Alarm.com creates extra security. This cellular dialer uses a cell network, rather than a phone line, for central station communication. Therefore, if your property’s phone lines go down or get cut by a burglar, your alarm will remain monitored.

Take advantage of Alarm.com notifications to track employee activity through alarm system use.
Furthermore, our cellular dialer also offers interactive alarm monitoring. This feature includes the ability to arm and disarm your security system using a cell phone. It also provides you with text alerts to notify you of any noteworthy alarm events. These include emergency alarm activations, low battery alerts, system arming and disarming events, and even alerts when employees open specific doors within the workplace. The extra security, convenience, and tracking this monitoring provides you make it a very popular monitoring option!
Finally, we also offer commercial “opening and closing” reports. These reports provide you with a detailed list of who arms disarms your security system, and when. Moreover, you can even set up a call from our central station if the alarm does not get armed or disarmed by a specified time of day. For example, perhaps you expect someone to open your business daily by 8am. If your security system stays armed past this point, you will receive a phone call to alert you. Our post on Unique Security Monitoring Options explains even more monitoring add-ons for your business. Now, let’s look at some commercial security features unique to video surveillance.
High-Technology Surveillance Options
Installing cameras has long remained one of the most effective commercial security measures. As we mentioned earlier, your business likely sits unoccupied for long periods of time. This adds to the importance of providing a way to keep eyes on your building at all times. In the past, cameras provided a picture that paled in comparison to the high-definition images seen on television screens in our customers’ homes. However, recent improvements have made this issue a thing of the past. We now offer our commercial customers cameras with images much clearer than the 1080p standard high definition picture that we’ve all gotten used to from watching high-definition televisions. In fact, we even install 4K cameras for security purposes. These cameras provide consistently clear picture, even when zooming in on an image.
Additionally, we offer surveillance security options that go beyond tremendous picture clarity. For example, we can connect our recorders to your business’s internet equipment to put your cameras “online.” This allows you, and any other authorized employees, to view your cameras remotely using a smart phone or laptop. Installing the “latest and greatest” in camera technology certainly puts you a step ahead of the curve when it comes to commercial security. It’s now time for one last tip for increasing commercial security. Last but not least, let’s see how adding access control can bolster your overall security plan!

Card readers in access control systems, such as this one made by AMAG, help business owners control and track access to their properties.
Access Control Options to Customize Access to Your Business
Access control systems represent an increasingly popular business security option. This security measure involve using electronic locking equipment to control access to your property. Access control systems utilize electronic locking hardware to operate specific doors within a business. Rather than using a key at these doors, users approach a reader and present a credential. Occasionally, these credentials take biometric forms. We can install readers that use fingerprint, palm, or even eye scans as a credential. However, more often than not we provide cards or fobs as a credential to hold in front of a reader. Users who present an approved credential will then be able to open the door after the reader interacts with the door’s electronics to unlock it. Business owners can assign each card to open certain doors at specific times, giving them tremendous control over who can open which doors, and when.
In addition to controlling access to certain doors, access control systems include software that tracks access as well! Every time an employee uses their credentials, it creates a timestamped event that you can view on a computer by logging in to your access control system. This allows you to easily track employee activity within your business. Furthermore, it allows you to see if anyone tries to come into the business at unusual times. For example, you may only grant certain employees weekday entrance to your business. If one of these employees presents their credentials to an access-controlled door on a weekend, the door will not open. Additionally, your software will create a “flagged” event for you to view and follow up on. This ability to control, track, and manage access to your business makes access control one of our most powerful and unique security offerings.
Using Unique Security Commercial Features to Your Advantage
We hope that this post helps you create a complete security plan for your business! Dipping into a variety of security approaches can provide you with the most effective and far-reaching overall security experience possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have regarding securing your own business. We will happily discuss any of the tips from this post in greater detail. Additionally, we can visit your business and provide a free security audit to help you see how we can incorporate these tips in your own property. Together, we can create a plan to keep your business, as well as the people who visit and work there, as safe and secure as possible!