5 Tips for Using Your Security System to Secure Your Pets

By Ryan Bell / March 30, 2018 / Comments Off on 5 Tips for Using Your Security System to Secure Your Pets

One of the most common reasons people install a security system is to help them keep watch over their pets. Ironically enough, some people also believe that they do not need a security system if they have a pet — especially if that pet is a large dog. Of course, both a fire or burglary…

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Workers taking calls at a call center.

Should I Have My Security System Monitored?

By Ryan Bell / March 23, 2018 / Comments Off on Should I Have My Security System Monitored?

You have almost countless options when it comes to security system installation. One of the most important decisions involves if (and how) you will monitor your system. Recently, there has been a lot in the news about cities and towns trying to cut down on false alarms. For an example local to us, the city of Springfield,…

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5 Steps to Improving Fire Safety for Your Family

By Ryan Bell / March 16, 2018 / Comments Off on 5 Steps to Improving Fire Safety for Your Family

When it comes to fire safety, the biggest thing to understand is that every second counts. We’ve previously discussed fire requirements for homes as well as where these laws and codes come from. In addition to these concerns, however, we have many customers ask us for general fire safety tips. Of course, making sure your…

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7 Tips to Improve Home Security for New Homeowners

By Ryan Bell / March 9, 2018 / Comments Off on 7 Tips to Improve Home Security for New Homeowners

As we turn our calendars to March, the weather starts to warm up after a long winter. Likewise, the real estate market begins to warm up as well at this time of year. Spring has long been the most popular time to buy a home. While owning a new home is fun, the process to…

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5 Unconventional Uses for Contact Sensors

By Ryan Bell / March 2, 2018 / Comments Off on 5 Unconventional Uses for Contact Sensors

We have previously discussed in 7 Important Security System Add-Ons for Your Smart Home that using contact sensors on doors and windows adds extra security and value to your security system. After all, perimeter doors and windows are the most common use of contact sensors. However, the idea of adding these sensors to other areas of the house…

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Residential Smoke Alarm Requirements in Massachusetts

By Ryan Bell / February 23, 2018 / Comments Off on Residential Smoke Alarm Requirements in Massachusetts

There is little debate that working smoke alarms and smoke detectors save lives. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security cites that of the deaths that occurred in 2014 due to residential fires, nearly 25% of them happened in homes without smoke alarms and another 12% happened in homes with smoke alarms that…

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Understanding Smoke Alarm Laws and Fire Code

By Ryan Bell / February 23, 2018 / Comments Off on Understanding Smoke Alarm Laws and Fire Code

In part one of this two-part series of blog posts, (Find the first part here.) we discussed home smoke alarm placement and requirements. In this installment, we will dive into the creation of smoke alarm laws and fire code. As mentioned briefly in our last post, there is much confusion around smoke alarm and detector requirements. Much of…

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6 Security Measures That Improve Senior Citizen Safety in the Home

By Ryan Bell / February 16, 2018 / Comments Off on 6 Security Measures That Improve Senior Citizen Safety in the Home

Senior citizen safety is a major concern in the security industry. As a homeowner’s age rises, so do the odds of a household accident or emergency. We are often approached by elderly homeowners and their families or friends to help keep their loved ones safe and in their own home. These requests can take many…

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A group of people working at a desk

Smart Security System Design

By Ryan Bell / February 2, 2018 / Comments Off on Smart Security System Design

We’ve given a lot of advice for using a security system in previous posts. It goes without saying, though, that those tips only become useful once you have a system installed. In this week’s discussion topic, we’ll rewind to the start of the security system design process. We’ll dive into some of the basic decisions…

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The How, Where, When, and Why of Access Control

By Ryan Bell / January 25, 2018 / Comments Off on The How, Where, When, and Why of Access Control

Many business owners have an interest in some form of access control system, but do not quite know where to start. These systems offer nearly endless options from both a technology and a usage standpoint. They play a large role in preventing theft, both from outside sources and even from employees. Decisions loom every step of…

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