Several months ago, we created a post introducing a few Unique Security Monitoring Options. In that post, we discussed the basics of alarm monitoring, as well as the benefits of different monitoring options. In short, alarm monitoring involves creating a means of communication between a security system and a central station. Upon activation of an alarm, the security system then sends a signal to the central station. At this point, a central station dispatcher picks up a phone and calls the premises to check on the situation. If nobody answers, or if the answering person cannot provide the proper identification and “password” created by the customer, the central station dispatcher alerts the local authorities. Additionally, that post also discussed installing a cellular dialer to monitor alarm systems. In this post, we go in-depth on cellular alarm monitoring to explain why we recommend this method above all others.
We will begin with a look at some security-related benefits to this monitoring option. This section will also include a brief overview of how we set up this unique method of monitoring. From there, we will look at a couple convenience-related benefits. We surprise many customers with the list of features that comes from installing a cell dialer. In fact, many customers find themselves as excited about these “bells and whistles” as they are about the security benefits of cell monitoring! Now, let’s look at what cell monitoring entails, and how it improves security.
Security Benefits of Cellular Alarm Monitoring
As you can probably tell by their name, a security system’s main purpose lies in its ability to help monitor and secure your home against crime. Therefore, customers install cellular dialers mainly to make their alarms even more effective. In this section, we share a few ways that our cell dialers achieve this. We’ll begin by showing you how cell dialers keep alarms monitored through events that would interfere with other types of alarm monitoring. From there, we will look at how cellular dialers can use multiple means of communication to ensure they get the job done when you need it most!
Monitoring Through Phone Service Outages
Traditional alarm monitoring involves connecting a security system to a premises’ phone line to create central station communication. From this information, you can probably deduce that a phone outage would disable an alarm’s monitoring. Phone service issues have affected alarm monitoring throughout the security industry’s entire lifespan. Unlike alarms connected to phone lines, cellularly-monitored systems use a cell network to communicate with the central station. For that reason, cellular dialers provide a more consistent and reliable monitoring service than traditional phone lines.
Lately, phone service issues have only gotten worse. In our post explaining why VOiP is a Poor Choice for Alarm Systems, we detailed how many homeowners now have internet-based phone service, rather than true landline-based service. This type of phone service (called “VOiP,” short for Voice Over Internet Protocol”) does not provide the same amount of consistency as a “true” landline-based phone service. As a result, alarm signals often fail to get through to the central station. Cellular monitoring allows customers to maintain their monitoring when phones go down as well as when VOiP service will not get the job done! Next, let’s examine how cellular alarm monitoring can use more than one communication path for extra reliability.
IP- and Wifi-Based Monitoring For Added Security
In addition to communicating through a cellular network, many cell dialers can also communicate through internet-based methods if those provide more speed and consistency than a particular area’s cell networks. Just as most cell phones can make wifi-based calls when necessary, call dialers can use a property’s network or wireless internet connectivity to dial out when needed. This adds even more security to an already-powerful means of monitoring! Furthermore, it also allows customers who live in areas with spotty cell service to enjoy the security and convenience that comes with cellular monitoring. Speaking of convenience, let’s look at how adding cellular alarm monitoring increases our customers’ experience using their security system!
Making Your Security Monitoring as Convenient as Possible
Of course, the prospect of extra security alone nudges many customers towards cellular alarm monitoring. However, the additional convenience and ease of use this monitoring creates makes it an even more attractive idea. In this section, we will detail the convenience-related benefits of cell monitoring. First, we will explain how interactive alarm control can add both security and convenience. From there, we will discuss the potential to add smart home appliances that communicate through your cellular dialer! Let’s start with a look at how “interactive” cellular monitoring works.
Security Through Interactive Smart Phone Control
As we’ve discussed, cellular alarm monitoring brings unique security features. Furthermore, some cell dialers, including ours powered by, allow for interactive cellular monitoring. This feature allows customers to control their alarm remotely using a smartphone app or a computer from anywhere in the world! Forget to arm the security system on the way out the door? No problem! With, now you can check on — and change — your alarm’s status at all times. In addition to making sure the alarm stays armed when you need it, this also allows you to turn off your security system for company without providing a code that individuals can use to turn off your alarm at a later date.
Furthermore, our cellular dialer allows you to receive instant alarm alerts. Customers can select and customize these alerts to their liking. For example, most customers want to receive an alert upon an alarm activation. Additionally, events such as system armings and disarmings also let customers know when people enter and leave their property. Other alerts include notifications for events such as low sensor batteries. The added convenience that interactive security provides has made it one of our top security system upgrades over the last few years. Now, let’s look at how adding a cellular dialer can help you turn any home into a smart home!
Smart Home Add-Ons for Additional Security and Convenience
In addition to contacting our central station, our cell dialer also acts as a smart home hub. So, what exactly does this mean? Basically, it means that it communicates on a frequency that “talks” to many smart home devices. Smart home products come equipped with the ability to communicate on a predetermined network. In this case, our dialer can work with any “Z-Wave”-enabled devices. The Z-Wave network is one of the most reliable and consistent smart home platforms. Installing Z-Wave devices will allow you to control them with your app. This lets you control your alarm and smart home with the same app at all times!
Many of our customers take advantage of this ability, adding devices that bring security and convenience. For example, smart locks allow users to grant one-time access to their property. Our customers control these locks, such as the model pictured, with either the keypad or their cell phones. The ability to allow house sitters or contractors in without providing a key or a code make it a great smart home addition. Likewise, smart lights and smart thermostats can ensure that you come home to a well-lit, comfortable house every night. Video doorbells allow you to monitor your doors efficiently. Likewise, smart cameras help you keep an eye on your property at all times. For more information, feel free to read up on our 7 Important Security System Add-Ons for Your Smart Home.
Using Cellular Alarm Monitoring to Effectively Monitor Your Home
We hope that this post has helped inform you about the benefits of cellular alarm monitoring! If you have any questions about the material presented here, we encourage you to contact us. We will happily answer any questions you may have about cell dialers, or security systems in general. Additionally, we also provide free site surveys for both new and current customers. While on site, we can address any concerns you may have. Furthermore, we can make our own suggestions based on what we see during our visit. We can show you how adding cellular services will work in your own home. Together, we can create a plan to add as much security and convenience to your home as possible!