Securing Against the Unexpected

Over our 35 years in business, we’ve installed more than a thousand security systems for our customers. Over that course of time, we’ve worked hard to stay up to date with the latest and greatest security offerings that we can integrate with your alarm. In fact, we often surprise customers by providing security solutions above…

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Wifi-Enabled Security Measures

If you’ve kept up with recent technology trends, you’ll have surely noticed a sharp increase in wifi-enabled devices. The advent of high-speed wifi has added tremendous convenience to peoples’ lives. No longer do you have to run a wire from your internet-enabled appliances to connect them to your network. People connect devices ranging from televisions…

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Professional vs DIY Alarm Installation

If you’ve followed technology at all over the last couple decades, you’ll likely have noticed a distinct trend. More than ever, people want to set up and install their own electronics. This “do-it-yourself” (or “DIY”) approach has touched just about every level of product. It runs the gamut from traditionally simple products to set up…

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Lesser-Known Alarm Monitoring Features

A structure reading "OPTIONS"

One of the most important aspects of installing a security system lies in its monitoring capabilities. In addition to creating a screaming siren response upon activation, monitored alarms also create a response from our central station. This allows us to check in on the situation and, if necessary, even dispatch the proper authorities. As you…

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Arming Your Security System

Over the course of our 34 years — and counting — in business, we’ve helped hundreds of customers design security systems that fit their unique security needs. As part of that process, we work to customize many parts of the security experience. From system design to monitoring options and functionality, we can create a truly…

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Cost-Efficient Security Measures

When it comes to security, we strongly believe in spending whatever it takes to secure your property correctly. However, we still believe in taking some common-sense steps to create this security in as cost-efficient a manner as possible. As a one-stop security shop, we’ve helped over a thousand customers with this endeavor over the last…

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Avoiding Security “Surprises”

When it comes to installing home security systems, we strive to create a simple and convenient experience. After all, when dealing with something as important as security, our customers generally do not welcome surprises. However, failing to take proper care when designing an alarm can lead to some unintended consequences. Therefore, we recommend taking some…

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Smart Security Ideas for Reducing False Alarms

One of the greatest fears that customers have about installing monitored security revolves around creating false alarms. In fact, the thought of having the police or fire department show up unnecessarily discourages many families from installing this valuable equipment at all! Of course, we strongly recommend taking simple steps towards reducing false alarms, rather than…

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Alarm Notification Options

A Northeast Security Solutions yard sign.

When potential customers contact us about installing a security system, they always want to know what happens after an alarm. While many of us have seen depictions of alarm events in our entertainment, most people have never experienced an alarm activation in person. We often surprise customers when we inform them that we actually have…

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Adding School Season Security

Like it or not for students (and teachers!) we’ve found ourselves once again in “back-to-school” season. Although the heat makes it easy to forget, Labor Day and the first day of school loom right around the corner. At this time of year, we encourage our customers with school-aged kids to put together a security plan…

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