Securing Your Yard this Summer

A Northeast Security Solutions yard sign.

Last week, we shared some Security Tips for Travelers to help those leaving their home traveling to help vacationing homeowners secure their properties this season. In that post, we shared tips that add security against threats such as burglary, fire, and even weather-related emergencies that might pop up during an extended absence. All of the…

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Independence Day Security Tips

Every holiday brings about its own unique security concerns. However, perhaps none of these concerns loom larger than those related to the 4th of July. This year, we have an entire 3-day weekend to celebrate this holiday! In turn, this leads to more traveling and more gatherings than in most years. In this post, we…

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Alarm Options to Add Outdoor Security

Over the past several decades, the popularity of alarm systems has grown tremendously. Both home and business owners alike now regularly install alarms to monitor their homes against burglary and fire-related emergencies. Furthermore, the technology behind these systems has grown throughout the years. We often surprise customers with updates on the “latest and greatest” security…

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Creating Pool Security

With Memorial Day just in our rearview mirror, we can safely say that pool season has begun. Families often spend the holiday weekend eating barbecue and enjoying the first of many of the summer’s poolside weekends. Of course, families with small children also acknowledge the need for extra security measures around their pools. According to…

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5 Unconventional Uses for Contact Sensors

We have previously discussed in 7 Important Security System Add-Ons for Your Smart Home that using contact sensors on doors and windows adds extra security and value to your security system. After all, perimeter doors and windows are the most common use of contact sensors. However, the idea of adding these sensors to other areas of the house…

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