Securing Your Yard this Summer

A Northeast Security Solutions yard sign.

Last week, we shared some Security Tips for Travelers to help those leaving their home traveling to help vacationing homeowners secure their properties this season. In that post, we shared tips that add security against threats such as burglary, fire, and even weather-related emergencies that might pop up during an extended absence. All of the…

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Security Tips for Travelers

As the calendar turns over into the warmest months of the year, travel plans also begin to heat up. The advent of beach season and the end of the school year both work to get families out of the house for extended periods of time. Of course, this in turn can lead to security concerns.…

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Daylight Saving Time Security Tips

If you’ve followed our blog at all, you know that security approaches change based on a variety of factors. We always aim to provide the right security experience for each and every customer in every application. One of the largest challenges of providing this security revolves around tackling seasonal challenges. Every season brings its own…

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Making Your Home Unattractive to Burglars

When we work with homeowners to secure their homes, we take a multi-faceted approach to creating this security. Of course, each and every application that we work in has its own unique security difficulties. Homes and yards have different layouts, and each customer has different worries. However, we always have a fairly similar overall goal.…

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Adding Pool Security to Your Property

If you’ve kept up with our blog at all, you probably have an idea of how hard we work to secure every part of your home from every possible security threat. This includes securing your home both inside and out. While not every company adequatley addresses exterior security, we find it an extremely important aspect…

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Tips for Adding Life Safety Equipment

We receive calls daily from customers wishing to install devices that secure their homes and businesses against a variety of threats. These may include means to secure against burglary and environmental damage. However, many home and business owners fail to fully address the most important area of security: life safety. Security equipment that can save…

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Understanding the AVS-01 Monitoring Service

Every now and then, a new service comes along and greatly increases the overall security offered by our products. Sometimes, these offerings come from the manufacturers of our security equipment. This includes new alarm panels, such as the QOLSYS series of alarms that we now prefer for new security system installations. In other instances, a…

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Keeping Your Alarm Codes Secure

An alarm keypad armed to "Away"

When it comes to securing your home, installing a monitored home security system provides some of the most valuable security available. These alarms provide a couple layers of security against burglary. For starters, they create a blaring siren response upon detecting a breach. Additionally, they also create a central station response that can lead to…

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Using Your Alarm to Create Winter Weather Security

When it comes to securing our customers’ homes, we take a complete-security approach. Of course, many people call security systems “burglar alarms,” and for good reason. Many people install these systems with the main goal of alerting them to an attempted burglary. Obviously, advertising the presence of these systems also deters thieves from trying to…

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Securing Rooms with Windows

When it comes to securing their houses, many homeowners focus mainly on creating door security. After all, doors represent the easiest and least conspicuous means of entering any home. Given the choice, many reason, most burglars would select breaking through a door over climbing through a window. However, certain circumstances can actually make windows a…

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